Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Exam

1. Complete
2. Complete
3. Complete
4. This picture is my transformative picture because it taught me a whole new way of taking pictures. After taking this picture, I realized that focusing on different sites like in this picture taught me a new style of photography. Overall, taking pictures of nature has a special place in my heart because it gets me thinking of life and how I can improve my own life. I love this picture.


5. Shape is a 2D element basic to picture composition and is usually the first means by which a viewer identifies an object within the picture while form refers to when shape takes on three dimensions. Form is created by shadows and highlights on an object in the photograph.

6. Pattern in photography utilizes elements that are repeated. Repetition of lines, shapes, tones or color can create interesting images.

7. Movement Explanation

8. The shoes on the tree is my best photo among the last three projects we had. I like this photo because you can see the detail of the shoes from the heel all the way to the top of the shoes. You can see all the left over grass on there and overall it's a nice, clean, and clear picture. This changed me by giving me a sense of how I can achieve taking great pictures related to this one. I can see differently now by looking at a picture and determining if its good or not. For example, I can tell if its clear and if the picture needs more detail.

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